Special Ways
By Auntie B 1/26/10
Please don't laugh
At Ms. Giraffe
Because she's very tall.
You wouldn't like it
If she laughed at you
Because you're rather small.
It's true her neck's
Extremely long.
That doesn't mean
That something's wrong.
There's no need to be afraid.
It's just the special way
She's made.
Mr. Penguin's a bird
Who cannot fly.
I tell you this
And it's no lie.
He has feathers
And handsome wings,
But he uses them
For other things.
And I don't think
That he would trade,
Since that's the special way
He's made.
Ms. Elephant's so very fat--
Ten thousand pounds!
Imagine that!
But please don't put her
On a diet.
Don't think of it.
Don't even try it.
She needs her size to stay alive.
It really helps her to survive.
She's not afraid of being weighed.
Big's just the special way
She's made.
Mr. Snail is oh . . . so . . . slow.
Is he moving?
I don't know!
It's hard to tell.
He moves that slowly.
He sure could never be a goalie.
But please don't tease him
Or make fun.
It's all right that he can't run.
He has other gifts, you see,
And nowhere that he needs to be.
For being fast, he won't get paid.
Slow is the special way
He's made.
All creatures in the sun or shade
Have special ways in which they're made.
And this means every person, too.
We're all so different--
Even you!
And no way can be worse or better.
Your specialness is Life's love letter
Telling you that you truly are
A unique, amazing shining star!
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